The Hand of a Tactile Artist

Tactile Vision

I'm a south paw ... & I've smeared a lot of work over the years. Like many lefties, I suffered through the 3rd grade Cursive Curse ... missed a lot of recess to stay inside to practice handwriting with my hand in a contorted position so I wouldn't smear my work.

I've always found comfort in working with my hands and consider myself a tactile human. Well, actually a spirit to head to heart to hand human ... that seems to be the path. And when I'm deeply present in my work, I often abandon the traditional tools of the trade ... removing one step from the spirit guided work.

This spirit guide of mine has become rather pushy lately hounding me to produce whimsical & primitive yet heart-felt work ... & quickly. And it’s as if my hands can see the finished work before I've even started. My synapses have become fiercely aligned ... seems I've developed some crazy tactile vision.

And through this process, I have learned that not only is it okay to smear one's work, the smear is often the best part.

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